Lead Pillar One’s contribution towards implementing the LRD and SPC’s communication strategies and plans for the relevant projects in collaboration with programme staff and...
This role provides strategic advice to drive the effective implementation of key policies and initiatives related to gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI). The...
This position focuses on providing advice to Pacific Island countries and territories on policy and regulatory matters, and renewable energy and energy efficiency, spearheading and...
You will oversee the people and programs in the Disaster and Community Resilience Programme in the thematic areas of disaster risk management and water security. This involves...
The School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London offers expert led teaching, and courses to suit nearly all interests and schedules (part time, distance learning, campus teaching and short courses). *NEW* MA International Relations (Paris) via combined learning
EuroBrussels is the leading job-site in Brussels in the business of European Affairs and International Relations. EuroBrussels collects and displays jobs in the fields of law, politics, economics, and communications, and many more. EuroBrussels brings together these jobs to provide our users with a centralized site for well-educated professionals looking for European affairs and international relations jobs in Europe.
EuroClimateJobs is the job board for climate and renewable energy jobs all over Europe. We have climate and renewable energy jobs for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies in Europe. Climate and Renewable Energy jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, UK and more. Jobs in Europe in climate and energy regulation and policy, energy, environment, renewable energy, solar energy, sustainable finance, wind energy.