Find latest jobs in justice, freedom and security in ICC, INTERPOL, United Nations, UNDSS, UNODC.
Justice, Freedom and Security jobs in Africa, Africa - Central, Africa - East, Africa - North, Africa - West, Asia, Asia - South, Asia - Southeast, Asia - West, Europe, Middle East, North America and Oceania (Australia, NZ, Pacific).
Leads the security assistance function in the region and oversees the delivery of market-leading applied security risk management and advisory, incident management, and crisis...
You will be responsible for the safety & security of the mission. You will coordinate the teams and ensure that the programmes implemented on the mission are properly carried out....
Strengthen security arrangements by implementing state-of-the-art security technologies and best practices, leading security awareness programmes and training initiatives to...
Provide advice and support to the development of the Network including by enhancing current, and building new, relationships; Contribute to the effective functioning of the...
Organize capacity building activities on issues in Law enforcement areas for relevant stakeholders in Member States; Provide inputs into revision of FATF Standards; Methodology;...
Reviews, monitors and evaluates activities relating to the implementation of international human rights instruments, including recommendations of treaty bodies and mechanisms of...
EuroBrussels is the leading job-site in Brussels in the business of European Affairs and International Relations. <p>EuroBrussels collects and displays jobs in the fields of law, politics, economics, and communications, and many more. EuroBrussels brings together these jobs to provide our users with a centralized site for well-educated professionals looking for European affairs and international relations jobs in Europe.