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Develops a comprehensive strategy and vision to advance UN Tourism’s mandate in Asia and the Pacific; this includes fostering regional approaches to strategic issues, executing...
Engage in policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders, providing expert advice to government agencies and Project stakeholders on institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks...
Strengthen security arrangements by implementing state-of-the-art security technologies and best practices, leading security awareness programmes and training initiatives to...
The Director will ensure the delivery of high-quality services to member countries, the region and SPC. The role will be guided by the SPC FAME Business Plan and the SPC Strategic...
Provide advice and support to the development of the Network including by enhancing current, and building new, relationships; Contribute to the effective functioning of the...
The ideal candidate will have a good understanding of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and carbon trading mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto...
Organize capacity building activities on issues in Law enforcement areas for relevant stakeholders in Member States; Provide inputs into revision of FATF Standards; Methodology;...
Coordinating work with other relevant international organizations (UNCTAD, UNEP, UNIDO, WTO, FAO) and UN initiatives (e.g. issue-based-coalitions), international financial...
Provide technical assistance to the National Expanded Immunization Programme in advocacy, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to achieve measles, Rubella and CRS...
Leads and coordinates the Agency’s initiatives to develop relevant policies, strategies and operational guidance aimed at ensuring the promotion of the rights and protection of...
Provide overall support and implementation of the communications strategic plan to increase and ensure the visibility of the SAFE Pacific Project and other Markets for Livelihood...
Evaluates programme performance related to thematic and country mandates on human rights, including from a gender perspective. Ensures human rights issues, including their gender...
You will provide support to the Director of Climate Change and Sustainability in the effective management of the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Division and...
Manage and coordinate the activities and provide the required support for the implementation and monitoring of programmes and/or projects: Monitor and report the implementation of...
Reviews, monitors and evaluates activities relating to the implementation of international human rights instruments, including recommendations of treaty bodies and mechanisms of...
EuroBrussels is the leading job-site in Brussels in the business of European Affairs and International Relations. <p>EuroBrussels collects and displays jobs in the fields of law, politics, economics, and communications, and many more. EuroBrussels brings together these jobs to provide our users with a centralized site for well-educated professionals looking for European affairs and international relations jobs in Europe.