Consultant - Pollution-Free Planet
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
Geneva, Switzerland
Result of Service
- Members of the EMG Issue Management Group on Pollution are supported in their efforts to execute the implementation plan of the IMG that outlines efforts to promote the UN Common Approach to Pollution across the UN system and beyond;
- The activities in the implementation plan that the EMG Secretariat is leading have been duly implemented.
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The UN Environment Management Group (EMG) is a UN system-wide coordination body on the environment, promoting system-wide policy coherence, synergy and collaborative and flexible approaches to environmental issues in the United Nations system. In 2017, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-3) issued the Ministerial Declaration, “Towards a Pollution-Free Planet”. The declaration called for concerted global efforts to reduce pollution and its adverse impacts on both human health and ecosystems. In response, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) developed an Implementation Plan titled “Towards a Pollution-Free Planet”, adopted by UNEA-4 in 2019. To further this global initiative, the UN Environment Management Group (EMG) conducted a comprehensive mapping exercise to review ongoing activities and initiatives related to pollution within the UN System. These efforts culminated in the endorsement of a UN System Common Approach to transitioning towards a pollution-free planet (the Common Approach to Pollution) by the EMG Senior Officials on October 10, 2023. The Common Approach to Pollution, facilitates action among United Nations agencies and other key stakeholders to address pollution across various environmental sectors, including air, water, and land pollution, as well as chemical and waste management. The EMG Secretariat is seeking a consultant to support the implementation of the Common Approach to Pollution.
The consultant will carry out the following:
- Organize a series of webinars to present the Common Approach to different audiences;
- Coordinate and prepare advocacy/outreach on the Common Approach, including in the context of key international policy processes, conferences and frameworks;
- Draft concise policy briefs for decision-makers, summarizing key aspects of the Common Approach;
- Actively follow up on, coordinate monitoring and draft reporting on progress towards implementation of the Common Approach and activities of the IMG;
- Prepare a compilation of good practices and lessons learned from the UN agencies on their work with the Common Approach;
- Contribute to the creation of pollution metrics as input to QCPR and other reporting frameworks;
- Coordinate updates/reviews to the Common Approach;
- Prepare meeting documents and facilitate meetings of the Issue Management Group (IMG) on pollution;
- Provide support to IMG co-chairs;
- Draft progress report(s) on the IMG on pollution to the EMG midterm meeting and SOM31.
Qualifications/special skills
- An advanced university degree in the area of environmental studies / sustainable development. In case of more experienced candidates in the relevant area, the academic requirements could be reduced. Minimum 5 years of experience working with issues related to environment, sustainable development and the sound management of chemicals and waste at the global, UN system level is required. Demonstrated good knowledge of challenges related to different forms of pollution and of international environmental and sustainable development frameworks and intergovernmental processes is required. Experience in multi-stakeholder, preferably UN interagency, coordination is desirable. Familiarity with the work of UN agencies on pollution issues is desirable.
- For the advertised post, fluency in oral and written English is an absolute requirement.
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